Join us to worship
online and in church
every Tuesday in term-tme at 11.30am
and Sunday at 10.00am
Our Services

Kids & Youth
Jesus welcomed all people regardless of age to come to Him. As St Paul’s we are a range of ages who all feel part of the family and get to play their part. Children and Young people engage and lead in our main services, but also have groups and activities for their specific ages.
One Church Everywhere
Our vision across OneChurch Harrow is to grow communities of people who are reaching out in various ways to their neighbourhoods, exploring different expressions of what is means to be church. OneChurch Everywhere is a collection of groups and activities that meet at various times to grow together as FAMILY and seek JUSTICE by blessing those around us in a variety of ways.
Pray with us
To pray is to admit our own limitations, reach beyond ourselves and connect through Jesus to the source of all life and blessing.
Prayer is as essential to our lives as breathing. We are to constantly pray: wherever and whenever – to live our lives in a continual conversation with our Father in Heaven.
It can also be useful to set aside specific times to pray and many find praying with others helpful in both getting around to and growing in prayer.
Morning Prayer
A chance to read the bible and pray together at the start of the day. We usually meet on Tuesdays and Fridays but are currently taking a break over the summer and will re-start on Friday 15th September. We meet at 9am for 30 minutes on Zoom here
Revive Prayer
Revive Prayer is held every Tuesday at 6.45am in term-time - online via Zoom here. Come and join us to pray for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit on our world, our nation, the church and us as individuals.
Prayer Chain
If there are urgent issues that you wish others to pray about during the week please contact Jan Bird on 020 8422 5515 or email your request to prayer@stpaulsharrow.org.uk

Talks & Teaching
Faith grows as we listen to the truth God speaks to us and the promises that He offers us. That is why learning is one of the key aspects of the Christian faith. But this is not knowledge to pass an exam, it is truth that will challenge us to think and live differently; to transform us so that we act and behave more like Jesus.
For teaching from recent services please use the link below to our Facebook page where you will find video recordings of our Tuesday and Sunday broadcasts.