Coming up

Click here for our diary of events and gatherings across our church family:

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Whether you are new to faith or have been a Christian for a long time, circles will help you connect with others and with God. A circle is a group of 3 or 4 people who meet regularly (either physically or online) over 12 sessions to follow a process that helps us apply God’s truths to our everyday lives. If you want to discover more about the Bible or grow in the likeness of Jesus, we’d love you to join a circle.

Find out more, download the circle guide and view circle playlists here.


Corbins Cafe

Corbins Café welcomes all our residents in South Harrow on Wednesdays, from 9.30 am to 12 noon. Our Café serves refreshments at the car park in front of the church. Join us for a friendly chat and get to know your neighbours over a lovely cup of freshly brewed coffee/tea, offered free with a warm welcoming smile.

The Lunch Club

A free and friendly lunchtime drop-in group for all. The Lunch Club runs on Tuesdays at 12.45pm following the Tuesday Service of Holy Communion.  
Everyone is most welcome, both from our church family and the wider   community.  So, do join us and invite your friends for a free lunch and good company, every Tuesday, in term time.  

Women’s Ministry

SHinE is our women's ministry. We hold events that are fun and allow us to relax together in an informal setting with the aim of getting to know one another better and deepen relationships and friendships between us.  

For further information contact Gill Thomson (020 8422 2991).

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St Paul’s Sharing Place

The idea for the St Paul’s Sharing Place is motivated by the bible verse above from the book of Acts, where we read how the disciples shared everything they had.

The Sharing Place therefore gives us an opportunity to:

Share items we have (hedge-trimmers, paint strippers, power tools)

Give away things we do not need or use anymore (furniture, toys, clothes, bikes)

Make requests for things we need (children’s costumes, clothes, bikes, curtains)

Feel free to list a description or post photos of any items you may have in the categories above, without cost. Equally, have a browse and take things, and please post GONE when they have been collected.

In an overly materialistic society, let’s be sharers rather than consumers.