Meet the Team

Steve Taylor - Joint Vicar

Ali Taylor - Joint Vicar

Phyllis Grant - Church Warden

Phyllis relaxes by reading and trying to solve 'whodunnit' mysteries.  For something requiring a little more energy, Phyllis can be found in the kitchen developing her cooking skills and trying to perfect some of the dishes she really enjoys eating.

Bruce Stevens - Church Warden

Bruce has been a member of the St Paul's family for over 25 years, having come to faith on an Alpha Course. As well as being a warden, Bruce is one of our service leaders and preachers. He is married to Kate (an excellent cook and a former church warden). Away from church, Bruce loves food, reading, jigsaws, quizzes and logic puzzles. He is a big fan of "Only Connect" and Dad jokes.

Gill Thomson - Administrator

Gill has been our Administrator since 2005. She is married to Dave and they have two grown-up daughters. In her spare time Gill enjoys going to the theatre, walks in the countryside, cooking and gardening.

Anne Liebman - Pastoral Co-ordinator

Anne is part of the Pastoral Team and helps to run TLC, The Lunch Club, which follows our Tuesday Service of Holy Communion.  She enjoys gardening, reading and cooking.

St Paul’s PCC

(Parochial Church Council)

The PCC are our board of trustees, who work with the Vicar to hold our leadership team to account for implementing the church's vision and values. They also have legal responsibility for ensuring that we look after our staff, volunteers, premises and finances and remain legally compliant with church and charity law.

The majority of our PCC members are elected at our annual church meeting. This is a great opportunity for church members to serve practically and represent views from across the congregation.

Our current PCC:

Back row:

Augustine Naz, Gill Thomson, Teresa Osborne, Boma Fiberesima, Kwame Asare-Boateng, Anne Liebman, Richard Tubb, Phyllis Grant.

Middle row: Linda Bradley, Mel Merle, Pam Clissold, Chandima Mallikarachichi, Lesley Menabney, Shenique Remekie, Nita Nathaniel.

Front row: Bruce Stevens.